Learn about Wilson Community Church
We are proud to be a Global Methodist congregation. Learn more HERE.
Our Mission:
To lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ
Our Strategy:
We will accomplish our mission by creating environments that equip and encourage people to grow in Intimacy with God, Community with others, and Impact in the world.
Our Core Values
Every person is the object of God’s steadfast affection and grace. Therefore, we will love, care for, and nurture all people as Christ has loved us. We will create space for the stranger in our midst, we will seek the least and the lost, and we will meet people where they are and encourage them to grow in the grace, and truth, and love of God.
(John 3:16; 2 Peter 3:9)
We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are God’s authoritative, inspired, and God-breathed self-revelation. The Bible is the standard by which all true Christian belief and practice must be judged and evaluated, and is intended to be our guide which helps us understand our faith and how to live our lives. We will enthusiastically teach it, preach from it, and use it when necessary for correction.
(2 Timothy 3:14-17)
Jesus’ parting challenge to the church as he ascended into heaven was for His disciples to go and make DISCIPLES. Because disciples of Jesus are made and not born, we are committed to the deliberate process of training and spiritual formation that will lead followers of Jesus toward higher levels of spiritual dedication, loyalty, and commitment.
(Matthew 28:19-20; Hebrews 10:24-25)
We believe that life-change happens best in community and are therefore committed to creating relational environments that equip and encourage people to grow in three ways: Intimacy with God, Community with others, and Impact with the world. Therefore, we will provide environments that move people from the broader community of Sunday worship to the smaller, more intimate, community found in Life Groups (and other ministry-specific groups).
(Hebrews 3:12-13)
Wilson Community Church is committed to being missionally engaged locally, regionally, and internationally. Because effective discipleship always leads to mission, we will nurture people in ways that encourage and equip them to demonstrate their faith by being the hands and feet of Jesus here on earth. We will invite people to discover their gifts for ministry and look for ways to connect them in ministry both “inside” and “outside” the church. By our activities in mission we seek to be signposts and symbols of God’s in-breaking kingdom.
(Acts 1:8; Matthew 5:13-16; 1 Peter 2:12)
At Wilson we are committed to living Christ-like lives of radical generosity and sacrifice. We will model and encourage in ourselves, and others, a boldness in how we give, serve, and live for others.
(Acts 4:32; Mark 12:41-44; Hebrews 13:10-16)
By God’s grace, we will honor God with our effort, choices, and the relationships we steward. Integrity preserves and protects relationships, while excellence honors God and inspires others. Therefore, we at Wilson will serve God with a commitment to excellence and integrity.
(Colossians 3:23-24)

Pastor’s Words…
Hey everybody! Welcome and thank you for your interest in Wilson Community Church. We are a Christ-centered and biblically grounded Methodist church that believes in the life-changing power of the Gospel. In everything we do, we long to lead people into an ever-growing, ever deepening, relationship with Jesus Christ. I believe you’re here because God brought you to us. And, I believe that He wants to do some amazing things in your life. So, take some time, look around, and let me know you were here. And, when you join us for worship, make sure to introduce yourself after the service. I’d love to meet you.
Life change happens best in community
—Rev. David Hiester