Quilters’ Group

The Wilson Community Church Quilters Group is open to anyone who is interested in quilting, whether you’re a member of Wilson Community Church or not. We meet monthly on the 4th Monday of each month at 7 pm at the church for Show & Tell, conversation/problem solving and treats.
A big part of the quilters activities has always been (and still is) quilt-related charity and mission projects. These have included mask makings, pillowcases for Ryan’s Case for Smiles, quilts for CASA, Operation Kid Comfort, Quilts of Valor and fidget quilts for Alzheimer’s patients.
Above is a pic of Patriotic star blocks we made for Quilts of Valor, a national organization that creates quilts for service members and veterans touched by war.
For more info or to get on the group’s email list, please contact Jean Quinn at jeanquinn@pcisys.net.