Why We Give
We believe giving is an extension of your faith.
It is a reflection of your trust in the Lord and blesses our church with
the resources needed to deliver thoughtful services throughout the week
and programs custom-tailored to serve our community.
Your generous and regular giving helps us MAINTAIN AND IMPROVE our church building and grounds;
ENGAGE our children, youth and adult members in Christian education;
EQUIP our members to be Disciples both locally to the Colorado Spring community
and internationally through our mission projects in Costa Rica and Haiti;
and DEVELOP and SUPPORT our dedicated staff as they work to carry out Wilson’s mission:
To Lead People into a Growing Relationship with Christ.
Other Ways to Give
Our donation collection box is in the Narthex outside of the Sanctuary. You can drop your donation in the collection box on Sundays before or after the service.
Text the word GIVE to 1-844-263-6821. You’ll receive a text with a link to set up text giving to Wilson Community Church.
Giving online to Wilson Community Church is easy with the Tithe.ly App! Once you create a free Tithe.ly account you can securely give online, set up recurring gifts, set up giving reminders, and view your giving history. When you give to Wilson using Tithe.ly you also have the opportunity to cover the credit card processing fees instead of passing those fees on to the Church. Get the Tithe.ly App.
Almost all banks and credit unions have automatic bill-pay available for free or for a small charge. Please contact Joanna Harberson, Wilson Community Church’s Financial Secretary, for the information needed to set up automatic bill-pay.
Planned Giving to WUMC
Please remember Wilson Community Church in your will or estate plans. Your planned gift is easy to arrange, will not alter your current lifestyle in any way, and can be modified to address your changing needs. Your planned gift will provide vital support for your Wilson’s ministries and witness and will influence the well-being of your church far into the future.
Wilson Community Church recommends that you seek appropriate professional legal, tax and financial advice before finalizing any planned gift.
Ways to Make a Planned Gift to WUMC:
- Bequests & Wills/Living Trusts
- Retirement Accounts
- IRA Charitable Rollover
- Stock Gifts & Transfers
- Donor Advised Fund
- Real Estate, Appreciated Property, & Tangible Personal Property
Bequests & Wills/Living Trusts: The simplest way to make a planned gift is by naming Wilson Community Church in your will or living trust. A bequest is a meaningful way to support the church’s work without affecting your cash flow during your lifetime. Your attorney can include it when you prepare or revise your will/living trust.
Retirement Accounts: You can name WUMC as a beneficiary of your retirement accounts. The amount you designate will pass tax-free to your church upon your death. Review with your attorney or financial advisor to learn if this is an appropriate gift for you.
Life Insurance: Life insurance is another way to make a sizeable gift to the church. For example: You can purchase a new policy and make the church the owner and beneficiary of that policy. This enables you to “leverage” your gift, ultimately making a much larger gift than otherwise possible. Contributions to your church to pay the ongoing premiums become tax deductible. You can also make the church the owner and beneficiary of an existing policy. The current value of the policy is tax deductible, as are future premium payments. You can make the church a contingent beneficiary of an existing policy, or name the church to receive the proceeds of the policy if the designated beneficiaries predecease the insured. Your life insurance professional can assist you with making such gifts.
IRA Charitable Rollover: If you are 70 ½ or older, you can make a contribution to WUMC directly from your IRA simply by instructing the plan administrator to make the transfer directly to WUMC. You are allowed to transfer up to $100,000 a year to the charities of your choice. Your gift will be transferred directly to WUMC, will not be reported as taxable income and will count toward your minimal distribution requirements
Stock Gifts & Transfers: Gifts of long-term appreciated assets—those that gain value and are held for more than one year—are a tax-smart way to support your favorite charities, like WUMC. This includes company stock, shares in privately held companies, real estate, fine art, antiques, and collectibles
Giving assets directly to charity, rather than selling them and then making a cash gift, provides several tax benefits:
- The donor receives an income tax deduction for their gift for the fair market value of the assets.
- The donor does not pay capital gains taxes that would have been assessed if the assets were sold.
- The benefitting charity receives the full fair market value of the gift.
Donor-Advised Funds
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a philanthropic giving vehicle that provides an immediate tax benefit to you and allows you to recommend grants to your favorite charities, like WUMC.
You can give through a DAF in the following ways:
- Recommend a gift by contacting your fund administrator or by granting online.
- Set up recurring grants to WUMC
- Name WUMC as a beneficiary of your DAF.
Real Estate, Appreciated Property, & Tangible Personal Property
Real estate or securities can be the source of your gift to the church. Using a Charitable Life Estate Contract, for example, you can deed your home, vacation home, farm, ranch, or condominium to the church and retain the right to live on the property and/or receive income from the property for as long as you live. You receive an income tax deduction when the property is deeded to the church and normally avoid any capital gains taxes when making the transfer. Your inheritance and estate taxes may be reduced at the time of your death. Gifts of appreciated real estate or securities allow you to avoid capital gains taxes. It is important to transfer the stock or real estate to the church prior to selling it. However, if the securities or real estate have decreased in value, you should sell the assets before making the gift, thus establishing a capital loss and a potential tax deduction.
Gifts of tangible personal property, such as jewelry, coins, works of art, automobiles, etc. may also be given to the church. You are responsible for setting an appraised value on the gift. Any gift over $5,000 must be independently appraised.
Wilson Community Church recommends that you seek appropriate professional legal, tax and financial advice before finalizing any planned gift.
Questions? Contact WUMC Finance Chair, Megan Harmon.
For resources and education regarding Planned Giving, visit the Methodists Helping Methodists Foundation.